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Veganuary Cookbook
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What to Plant - February

February is the bridge between winter and spring, with signs of new growth beginning to emerge. While the weather can still be cold and unpredictable, there are plenty of tasks to kickstart your garden for the coming season. Here's your guide to what to do in the garden in February:

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What to Plant - March

Welcome to March, the month when the garden starts to awaken from its winter slumber. As temperatures begin to rise and daylight hours lengthen, it's time to get back into the garden and start sowing and planting. March heralds the beginning of the growing season, offering plenty of opportunities to fill your garden with a variety of fruits, plants, herbs, and vegetables. Here's your guide to what to plant in March:

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Let's Create a Greener Tomorrow, Together!

Do you know any young eco-enthusiasts with a passion for sustainability? Are they excited about shaping a brighter future for our planet?

If so, invite them to join our Youth Advisory Board