Forest school sessions build confidence, self-awareness and a deeper affinity with nature

Children climbing a tree in a woodland

At its heart it provides hands-on experiences and child-led learning in the natural environment.

A wonderful opportunity for children to learn outside and connect with nature.

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The benefits of Forest School

Forest schools provide a relaxed environment in which children can learn about nature and develop key life skills. The connection with nature can really help personal wellbeing.

Forest schools help children build confidence, self-awareness, and social and teamwork skills. Over the course, children have time to connect with themselves and others, understand their inner needs and become owners of their own freedom. They can explore the environment following their own interests and pace and develop a deeper affinity with nature.

Our monitoring shows children on average gave increased expressions of decisiveness, open-mindedness and optimism after completing a Forest School programme.

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What we offer

Workshops are delivered by qualified, experienced Forest School leaders. We create a safe space for children to develop emotional intelligence, empathy and connection, without the physical confines of a school environment. Sessions are child-led: they are free to decide what they want to do, how and when.

The hard work of planning and preparing for outdoor sessions is taken care of, as we have permission to use many local sites.

We offer between six and twelve session Forest School programmes with groups of up to 16 pupils. We run sessions in a green space close to the school (eg a local park), making the most of the hidden nature pockets, wildlife spots and diverse habitats across London.

Forest School activities:


Campfire cooking

Natural building

Risk taking

Free play


Habitat discovery

Team skills



“First-hand experiences of learning outside the classroom can help to make subjects more vivid and interesting for pupils and enhance their understanding.

It can also contribute significantly to pupils’ personal, social and emotional development.”

- Ofsted, 2008 “Learning Outside the Classroom”

Forest School Enquiry Form

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