About Us
Our vision
Creating resilient, empowered communities, acting to sustain our world.
Our mission statement
ecoACTIVE is an innovative environmental education charity with a reputation for using hands-on, practical approaches to explore complex issues of sustainability. ecoACTIVE's mission is to create a world where young people and communities are agents of change for creating a better planet.
We design and deliver interactive, fun and engaging workshops to empower people to take meaningful action on sustainability. We create eye-opening experiences for children and adults alike, running workshops in schools, parks, community gardens, and with community groups and housing associations.
An ecoACTIVE Community
We embrace the concept of “Think Global; Act Local” by helping school and community groups to understand critical global issues and the small actions they can take to make a difference.
We invite you to join an active and supportive community by connecting with us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. You may contact us through any of these means or through [email protected] if you would like to book a workshop or have any questions or comments. It would be great to hear about the sustainability journey you are taking with your community.
If you would like to become one of our brilliant volunteers, please have a look at our Join Us page. We are so lucky to have volunteers assisting during workshops, helping in the office and guiding the organisation as part of our Management Committee.
Our values
Our community work is guided by our set of Values. They are:
Clarity - we communicate as clearly as possible, and help to translate sometimes complex issues to make them understandable and relevant
Change - we support sustainable behaviour changes and encourage new ideas
Reflection - we monitor, review and learn from each other
Professional - we work in a professional manner, and respect those we engage
Inclusive - we include everyone and strive to promote diversity and equality
Passionate - we love what we do and inspire others to love their environment
Proactive - we look forward and plan for the future
Past and present Funders and Partners