Creating a better planet
through fun, educational and engaging eco workshops

Early Years & Primary School Workshops

We know how much young people care about the environment. Our Earth Education programme introduces and connects young people with nature. Invite our specialist educators to visit your classroom or join you for a school event.

We are passionate about access to climate education as a tool for climate action.

Our primary workshops are based around seven important environmental themes. Using approachable defined problems relatable to everyday life, children will confidently grasp key concepts and learn how to take action. Workshops are cross-curricular and age appropriate from EYFS through Key stages 1&2. Available as single sessions, or book as a course for greater impact.

ecoACTIVE can join your school for an assembly, workshop, action day or event!

Available workshops and classes

  • Food Growing & Compost

    The impact of the food we choose and how to make better choices. Food footprint, different diets, better consumption schemes and re-thinking the food system, food growing, "local, seasonal, sustainable, organis"

    Links to Curriculum: Plants, Animals, Living things and their habitats, Rocks & Soil, Human impact, Preparing to play an active role as citizens.

  • Renewable Energy

    Learn about the different sources of energy we use and how they impact the planet. Understand the need to reduce fossil fuel use and transition towards renewable energy. Discuss ways to save energy at home and school with simple habit changes. (KS2 only)

    Links to Curriculum: Rocks, Human impact on environments, Preparing to play an active role as citizens, Human geography.

  • Waste & the 3Rs

    Uncover Earth’s raw materials as we investigate where things come from and ways that we can lessen our impact on the environment. Learn about the waste hierarchy and explore easy ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. Inspire others by creating and showcasing your own homemade creations.

    Links to Curriculum: Everyday materials, Physical properties, Human impact, Preparing to play an active role as citizens

  • Air Pollution

    Learn about the air we breathe, what causes air pollution and how we can minimise it. Investigate different modes of transport and compare their environmental impact. Look at how waste and consumption contribute to the problem and how we can improve our habits.

    Links to Curriculum: Living things and their habitats, Preparing to play an active role as citizens

  • Wild City

    Discover the wonderful biodiversity that surrounds us in London and see it with new eyes by finding out lots of interesting facts. Explore what problems litter causes, what we can do to help and how to coexist harmoniously with nature and wildlife in the urban environment.

    Also available as an outdoor session.

    Links to Curriculum: Plants, Animals, Living things and their habitats, Preparing to play an active role as citizens.

  • Water Scarcity

    Learn how precious water is for the planet. Understand the meaning of water 'scarcity' and what we can do in everyday life to save it. Explore how water pollution affects sea life. Experience how it feels to be a bird trying to feed without eating microplastics!

    Links to Curriculum: States of Matter (science); physical geography, Preparing to play an active role as citizens

  • Plastics

    Take a closer look at plastics. What are they made of and what issues do they cause? Learn about it's history and how it changed our lives before becoming the problem it is today. (KS2 only)

    Links to Curriculum: Properties and changes of materials (science), Preparing to play an active role as citizens

“The workshop is so FUN we learnt about nature and they taught us about wasting food. Thank you ecoACTIVE

— Yr. 2 Pupil at The Mulberry House Primary school

Workshop Fees

  • £200 for one session per visit

  • £300 for two sessions per visit

  • £400 for three sessions per visit


We endeavour to work around your school timetable and offer flexibility where possible. We can deliver a maximum of three sessions in one day.

Our primary workshops are 60-75mins in length and prices* include the following;

  • Preparation for and delivery of the session(s)

  • Attendance by one ecoACTIVE educator

  • Basic resources

  • Travel to and from the venue (if nearby)

* Terms and conditions apply. Any additional charges will be discussed prior to booking. Discounts available for multiple bookings.

Need help with funding?

Apply for our Schools Bursary Scheme

Why choose ecoACTIVE?

Exciting, inspiring and relevant experiences

We’ve worked with school professionals and children for years to develop our workshops into creative and positive experiences. We bring the awe and wonder to the subject of the environment and your children will be inspired to continue these projects themselves.

Experienced professionals

Your staff can relax knowing that we bring years of teaching experience to the classroom and our staff are passionate about environmental education.

Thorough risk assessment, policies and procedures

With enhanced DBS checks, all our delivery staff are fully qualified to visit schools. We have comprehensive policies and procedures in place that include Risk Assessment, Health and Safety, Confidentiality, Child Protection and Safeguarding.