Improving Access to Nature
ecoACTIVE ran a one year access to nature project aimed at helping more people access the natural environment in their local park.
We wanted to raise the profile of our local green space, Daubeney Fields as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation and engage people in activities that helped them not only enjoy nature but also developed their identification skills and increased their knowledge of local wildlife
Access to Nature Daubeney Fields
We were supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund to run this free, nature-based project from 2017 - 2018.
Together we learnt more about Daubeney Fields, a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) and the plants and animals that live there. Local residents got involved in a number of ways:
Fortnightly weekend events: Natural arts, crafts, talks and activities. Free and open to everyone.
Workshops for community groups
School programme for three local primary schools
Becoming a project volunteer: Local residents met people from their local area, learnt new skills and gained experience for their CVs.
Impact of the Project
94% of participants reported learning something new or gaining new skills as a result of this project
Average number of young people (aged 11 - 25 years) attending weekend events increased by 50%
19% more people used the park for exploring nature or visited on their way to school or work.
34% more pupils had a 'high knowledge' of habitats (5 or more correct examples) by the end of the project
250% increase in the average number of social housing residents attending the weekend events
20 people joined the volunteer development programme, and 15 reported gaining new skills
24% increase in the number of residents from BAME groups attending weekend events
56 people made 167 wildlife records of the natural heritage in Daubeney Fields.