Empowering Education: ecoACTIVE’s Free Teacher Resources Funded by OVO Foundation

In an era where environmental consciousness is more critical than ever, ecoACTIVE, with generous funding from the OVO Foundation, is thrilled to present a suite of free, comprehensive educational resources designed for teachers. These resources aim to inspire and engage students in pivotal environmental topics, equipping them with the knowledge and tools to make a positive impact on our planet. Covering three key areas—Consumption & Waste, Sustainability, and Urban Wildlife — these packs are invaluable additions to any classroom. They also complement our hands-on environmental education sessions at Leaside, creating a well-rounded educational experience.

Consumption & Waste: Transforming Trash into Treasure

The Consumption & Waste resource pack delves deep into the challenges of waste management and the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling. According to the latest data, the UK produces approximately 222 million tons of waste each year, with only 44% being recycled. This alarming statistic underscores the need for robust education on waste reduction.

This pack provides educators with detailed lesson plans, activities, and real-world examples to help students understand the impact of waste on our environment. It explores innovative solutions and practical steps that students can take to minimise their waste footprint. From composting to up-cycling projects, the resource pack encourages creative thinking and sustainable practices. By understanding the life cycle of products and the consequences of waste, students can become proactive participants in the journey towards a zero-waste future.

Sustainability: Small Steps, Big Impact

Sustainability is a buzzword, but what does it truly mean for everyday life? The Sustainability resource pack aims to demystify this concept and provide actionable insights into living sustainably. In 2015, the Paris Agreement set a goal to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Despite significant progress, global temperatures have already risen by 1.3 degrees. Achieving the 1.5-degree target requires collective effort at both systemic and individual levels.

This pack helps students understand their role in this global effort. Through interactive lessons and activities, students learn about carbon footprints, sustainable living practices, and the importance of reducing consumption. The resource emphasises that every action matters and that small changes in daily routines can collectively lead to significant environmental benefits. By fostering a sense of responsibility and empowerment, the Sustainability pack aims to create a generation of environmentally conscious individuals who are committed to making a difference.

Urban Wildlife: Nature in the City

Urban areas are often overlooked when it comes to wildlife conservation, yet they are home to diverse species that play vital roles in the ecosystem. The Wild Cities resource pack highlights the importance of integrating nature into urban landscapes and supporting biodiversity in cities.

This pack introduces students to the fascinating world of urban wildlife, showcasing species that thrive in city environments and the challenges they face. It offers practical tips on creating wildlife-friendly spaces in urban settings, such as schoolyards, community gardens, and even balconies. Activities include building bird feeders, planting native vegetation, and creating insect hotels. By reconnecting with nature and understanding the interdependence between humans and wildlife, students develop a deeper appreciation for the natural world and a sense of stewardship for urban ecosystems.

Enhancing Education at Leaside

These resources are designed to complement ecoACTIVE’s engaging environmental education sessions at Leaside. At Leaside, students can experience hands-on learning that brings these concepts to life. From exploring local ecosystems to participating in sustainability projects, our sessions provide immersive experiences that reinforce classroom learning.

Join the Movement

ecoACTIVE believe that education is the cornerstone of a sustainable future. By providing free, high-quality resources, we aim to empower teachers and inspire students to become environmental champions. These resource packs offer an engaging approach to environmental education, fostering a sense of curiosity, responsibility, and action.

Download ecoACTIVE’s free teacher resources today and join us in the mission to educate and inspire the next generation. Together, we can build a greener, more sustainable world, one classroom at a time. For more information on our educational sessions at Leaside, visit ecoACTIVE at the Leaside Trust. Let’s make a difference, starting with our students.


Reduce, reuse and recycle tips - Free download sheets


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